Sunday, August 6, 2017

Rheumatoid Arthritis Or Could It Be MOLD

Most biotoxic illnesses are difficult to diagnose and treat as all of them, including mold, affect multiple systems in your body and produce a wide array of symptoms.

However, there is an underlying commonality, whether your disease is caused by dinoflagellates, mold, or spirochetes, for example, and that is chronic inflammation. The toxins produced by these microorganisms cause your innate immune system to respond to the foreign antigens, and the inflammation induced by exposure to the toxin is what wreaks havoc on your health.
"In order to treat them, we need to both remove them from exposure and remove toxin from their body," Dr. Shoemaker says.

One of the complicating factors in terms of diagnosis is the fact that symptoms don't necessarily remain static. They can vary from day to day, as the offending compounds affect multiple body systems; each capable of causing multiple symptoms.

 According to Dr. Shoemaker:
"The similarity to chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, for example, is uncanny," he says. "It turns out the idea of a biotoxin really expands to apply to all the compounds that have similar structure, shape, and size. These compounds are called ionophores, which means they move from cell to cell without being carried in the bloodstream.
They're hard to detect and certainly hard to eliminate. Self-healing is extremely rare.
But eventually, whether the toxin comes from a dinoflagellate, from a mold, whether it comes from a blue-green algae, a spirochete, an apicomplexan, or series of other sources of these illnesses, these compounds – these small and low molecular weight compounds – all end up being dumped in the bile by your liver. Your liver can't metabolize these things."

According to Dr. Shoemaker:
"The inflammation that we see in these patients responds poorly to hygienic measures (such as diet and exercise). But certainly, we want to maximize a healthful living as best as we can... 

Exercise is interesting. Just about everybody who has this illness know all about "push-crash" or good days followed by crash days. That common phenomenon is actually due to a very low anaerobic threshold.

If they try to use exercise and do too much, they will very quickly outstrip the delivery of oxygen to mitochondria. So, while this disorder is not a mitochondrial primary disorder, it becomes a secondary mitochondrial problem. We want to let them exercise to the anaerobic threshold, but not beyond. Because if they go beyond, they will start burning protein first after they've wasted glycogen due to anaerobic activity."
... this is important, because if you try to give someone with capillary hypoperfusion, low anaerobic threshold, and low VO2 max, which these illnesses all have; if you put them on an intense exercise program, you will sicken them immediately. You will make them much, much worse. Remember, these people are often short of breath going up four and five steps.

We can use exercise as therapeutic protocol over time. And as exercise matches anaerobic threshold or oxygen delivery, we can make them into some of the most vigorous exercises anyone's seen, but you can't start that way."
 For more information, is a great resource for medical practitioners and patients alike. 


Friday, June 13, 2014

St. Germain

 In The Words Of:

~ The Master Alchemist St. Germain

“It is the activity of our nerves, the flame of our desire, the acid of our fears, which daily consume our organism. He who succeeds in raising himself above his emotions, in suppressing in himself anger and the fear of illness, is capable of overcoming the attrition of the years and attaining an age at least double that at which men now die of old age. If the face of a man who is not tormented by his emotions should retain its youth, it would be no miracle.”
“Being grateful for your problem is the first step in resolving it. The essential purpose of any problem is to gain wisdom from it. The more problems we solve, the wiser we become.”
“It is most important that you learn how to meditate and pray to be able to communicate quite literally with God within and quite literally with your master teachers and guides in the spirit world. Then the door will open wide for you, and you will be most useful to yourself and others in this life.”
“Each of you is a soul, living in the form of a physical body, and at the core, each of you is a pinpoint of light—a projection of the creator. As you trace your life force, the light within you, back to its source, you will find that we all emanate from one reservoir of endless, love-filled, and eternal light that is God.”
“Love people unconditionally, no matter who they are or what they do to you or others. See each person as yourself and not as separate from you, and your spiritual guides and teachers will be drawn very close to you. You will grow very fast, and you will not have to deal so much with the psychology of overcoming.”
“Nothing that you go through, even death, can destroy the essential You. Your divine self is the only thing that there really is. It is the spark of who you are. This outer garment is the character you have been given and the costume that you wear. As consciousness touches what it creates, it makes the creation seem real.”
“When you go to bed tonight and lay your head on your pillow, go deep inside and find the light that is there—that has always been there. Dwell in that profound peace. There you shall find all of heaven.”

~ The Master Alchemist St. Germain

“It is the activity of our nerves, the flame of our desire, the acid of our fears, which daily consume our organism. He who succeeds in raising himself above his emotions, in suppressing in himself anger and the fear of illness, is capable of overcoming the attrition of the years and attaining an age at least double that at which men now die of old age. If the face of a man who is not tormented by his emotions should retain its youth, it would be no miracle.”


“Being grateful for your problem is the first step in resolving it. The essential purpose of any problem is to gain wisdom from it. The more problems we solve, the wiser we become.”


“It is most important that you learn how to meditate and pray to be able to communicate quite literally with God within and quite literally with your master teachers and guides in the spirit world. Then the door will open wide for you, and you will be most useful to yourself and others in this life.”


“Each of you is a soul, living in the form of a physical body, and at the core, each of you is a pinpoint of light—a projection of the creator. As you trace your life force, the light within you, back to its source, you will find that we all emanate from one reservoir of endless, love-filled, and eternal light that is God.”


“Love people unconditionally, no matter who they are or what they do to you or others. See each person as yourself and not as separate from you, and your spiritual guides and teachers will be drawn very close to you. You will grow very fast, and you will not have to deal so much with the psychology of overcoming.”


“Nothing that you go through, even death, can destroy the essential You. Your divine self is the only thing that there really is. It is the spark of who you are. This outer garment is the character you have been given and the costume that you wear. As consciousness touches what it creates, it makes the creation seem real.”


“When you go to bed tonight and lay your head on your pillow, go deep inside and find the light that is there—that has always been there. Dwell in that profound peace. There you shall find all of heaven.”

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


One good thing is that Bells Palsy is generally only temporary but one
must consider why it happened in the first place.  Our bodies are
dependent on several things to maintain the integrity and to rebuild cells
on a continual basis.  When we are lacking in one or more of the vital
nutrients needed we begin to see a breakdown in optimum function.

You are headed in the right direction with the B Vitamins and Essential Fatty
Acids. However the collagen in the body is dependent on Vitamin C in many
ways.  Also when we are talking muscles we realize the body needs a
sufficient supply of magnesium and for building the muscle tone

I can not advise anyone on health issues but I can point them in the
direction to do their own research and we have had protocols
formulated so that others have access to them to continue their own

Please visit this page and read about the Vitamin C (ascorbate) in the
MoRE, the magnesium in the Master Formula II and the l-arginine in
what we call RAA-NOW.  I think you will find some items of interest
that pertain to your need of rebuilding cells.

If you are dealing with pain as well with the Bells Palsy as some do,
just know that pain is simply a "lack of oxygen" to that area for what
ever reason.  A good hot to cold and cold to hot compress will help
the blood to flow into that particular area.